More About Me
The financial services industry is going through a transformation driven by consumer expectations for better experiences and aided by technology. For the past 16 years or so, I’ve been involved in helping organizations navigate this transformation. First, within banks, with a fintech firm, and now as a consultant.
As a strategist, I believe that for transformation to happen it must be driven by the very top. Buy-in or support by the board and the C-suite isn’t enough. Digital transformation is about cultural and organizational change before a line of code is written. Change can only occur if it’s driven by the board and the CEO, with the rest of the C-suite following.
Beyond my professional work, I work with organizations as an advisor, writer, speaker, and influencer to make the transformation of the industry happen.
Financial service companies and leaders should be lifetime learners. As such, I endeavor to learn form within and outside the industry which includes leading a healthy lifestyle filled with diversity and compassion.